Similar materials » Sweet chestnut, European Chestnut
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Horse chestnut
Short Description Deciduous wood
Description Before the last ice age, the horse chestnut was native to central Europe. It first returned to Europe in the 16th Century as a result of human intervention. Its natural environment is South-Eastern Europe and southern parts of Asia.
It bears little relation to the sweet chestnut. Despite visual similarities its botanical classification and wood properties are very different. The horse chestnut is popularly used in parks and (beer) gardens for providing shade, but is not generally forested.
Sapwood and heartwood are a yellowish-white to reddish-white, sometimes with a brown colouring or striped texture.
Properties Medium-weight, soft, low shrinkage, good stability. Cracking and warping is only partial, homogenous fibre direction, low natural durability.
Usage Generally easy to work and Surface finishing is unproblematic. Straightforward to dry. Due to the spiral grain, the horse chestnut wood is usually used for smaller objects.
Dimensions Horse chestnut is available as round or sawn timber as well as veneer.
Applications - Turning, carving and sculpting
- Furring
- Chip baskets, fruit boxes, packaging