Keywords » Heat-treated wood
Similar materials » Composite panel with facing layer of thermal treated wood
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Heat-treated wood
Description A 24 hour heat and steam treatment is used to permanently alter the properties and appearance of wood. Different deciduous and coniferous woods are suitable for treatment, however in practice scandavian pine wood is most widely used.
The thermal treatment changes the chemical structure of the wood, decreases dimensional instability (lower expansion and shrinkage) by reducing its ability to absorb moisture as well as increasing resistance against fungal attack. The sap content is significantly reduced and the wood turns a dark-brown colour. In contrast the bending and cleavage strength reduces, the wood becomes more brittle. Heat-treated wood is therefore not suited for load-bearing and constructional timber.
There are two different treatment classes which describe the treatment duration: 1 (T) for indoor use and 2 (TT) for outdoor use.
Applications - Wall and ceiling cladding
- Terrace floors
- Floors
- Battons for garden furniture, toys, fences
- Sauna building