Samples collection for wood based panels Imprint Samples collection and product database for wood based panels   deutsch deutsch
Wood species Plywood OSB Chipboard MDF/HDF Composite panels Wood fibre board Particle board Blockboard
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» Samples collection "Wood Species"

The Musterkiste provides planners, designers and professionals who work with wood with an overview of wood and wood-based products available on the market.

To find the appropriate material among the variety of possibilites its necessary to have a real sample. The materials quality, its surface, weight and even the smell can not be shown by a paper-based catalog.

The Musterkiste contains more than 50 hand-held samples of both traditional and newer wood-based products. The selection focuses on technical, ecological and design aspects as well as on innovative materials for a wide range of different application areas. As such other application areas can be the source of inspired solutions.

Material and product research is a time-consuming exercise. Many planning offices, tradesmen and educational institutions know how much time is spent in addition for cataloguing material samples, archiving and keeping their product samples up to date.

The Musterkiste online database can be accessed via the internet at and does not require any special software.

Convincing clients
Material samples ease communication between planners, manufacturers and clients. Information about products, the manufacturers and suppliers needs to be available immediately and up-to-date.

Musterkiste is not paid by manufacturers and such as a matter of marketing purposes. Our mission is to provide you with an unbiased report on available materials.

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