Wood based materials (192)
Overview | 10 newest entries
All categories | Cellulose material | Chipboard | Composite material | Densified laminated wood | Furniture supplies | Hardboard | Linoleum | LVL Laminated Veneer Lumber | MDF and HDF | Modified wood | OSB | Plywood | PSL parallel strand lumber | Solid wood panel | Wood Plastic Composites | Wood soft fibreboard | Wood species |
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3-layer panel with lightweigt core layer
3-ply-panel thermally treated spruce
A wood-plastic composite plank
Acetylated wood
Acoustic panel Tubular chipboard, veneered, slotted |
Acoustic panel Acoustic panel of specially slotted MDF |
Acoustic panel MDF melamine-faced or veneered |
Acoustic panel, MDF veneered
Acoustics panel Plywood/MDF/fleece, 3 layers, notched |
Alder Deciduous wood |
Alder triple-layer panel Triple-layer panel |
Balsa end-grain panel
Bamboo lamellas on textile
Bamboo rod panel Natural color, 3-layer, raw |
Bamboo-rod panel light brown, 3-layer, raw |
Batten-core joinery board gaboon-like facing veneer |
Beech Deciduous wood |
Beech decorative lattice Parallel |
Beech edge-glued laminated panel Beech |
Beech multiplex panel
Beech plywood Beech plywood with vertical aligned veneer strips |
Beech plywood with conductive layers
Beech plywood with foil centre
Beech pywood, fire-retardant Beech plywood, fire-retardant |
Beech roll-shutters
Beech triple-layer panel Triple-layer panel |
Bendable plywood Fuma veneer |
Birch Deciduous wood |
Birch edge-glued panel with plywood strips
Birch Multiplex panel
Birch plywood core with linoleum facing
Birch plywood for aircraft construction
Birch plywood with black phenolic film finish
Birch plywood with blue phenolic film finish
Birch plywood with phenol resin film
Birch plywood, brown phenolic film finish
Birch plywood, green phenolic film finish
Birch plywood, melamine film finish Birch plywood, phenolic film finish |
Birch plywood, phenolic film finish
Birch plywood, red phenolic film finish
Birch plywood, transparent melamine film finish
Braid filling on HDF panel
Cement-bonded wood particle board
Cement-bonded wood particle board
Cement-bonded wood particle board A2
Cement-bonded wood particle board B1
Cherry Deciduous wood |
Coconut shell tiles
Color braid filling on HDF panel
Colored laminate
Colored veneer
Colour-stained chipboard Façade panel |
Coloured MDF, brown
Combi-plywood Beech/Poplar
Common ash Deciduous wood |
Composite OSB panel with MDF-facing
Composite panel with facing layer of thermal treated wood
Concrete formwork panel plywood with red/grey plastic coating |
Corrugated pressed wood-pulp board
Corrugated pressed wood-pulp board
Corrugated pressed wood-pulp board
Corrugated pressed wood-pulp board
Corrugated pressed wood-pulp board
Decorative high pressure laminate board Produced to individualised customer specifications |
Decorative Lattice with coloured plexiglass
Decorative wood lattice, flush
Densified laminated wood
Densified laminated wood
Douglas-fir Coniferous wood |
Edge-glued panel with coloured stripes
Edge-glued panel with different wood species
Elastic chipboard
Elm Deciduous wood |
European plane Deciduous wood |
Extruded Particle Board
Finnish birch veneer
Fir Coniferous wood
Coniferous wood |
Flame resistant chipboard
Flame resistant laminboard with balsa core
Flame-resistant plywood
Furfurylized wood
Furniture roll-shuttering MDF with plastic surfacing material |
Hardboard with core layer of aluminium sheet
HDF panel B1 coloured red |
Heat-treated wood
Hornbeam Deciduous wood |
Horse chestnut Deciduous wood |
Kiri / Paulownia
Laminated veneer lumber LVL Timber product for use in building contruction |
Laminated veneer lumber LVL Timber product for use in building contruction |
Laminboard gaboon-like facing veneer |
Laminboard acoustic sandwich panel Mahogany facing |
Laminboard GFK, white Glass-fibre reinforced plastic surface |
Laminboard, light Gabon-like facing veneer |
Laminboard, light Balsa wood core with poplar facing veneer |
Larch Coniferous wood |
Light building panel
Lightweight building board Paper core board with hardboard facing, beech veneer |
Lightweight compound panel with honey-comb core core layer honeycomb structure of phenolic resin impregnated paper |
Lightweight lumber-core board with MDF facing melamine resin coating white |
Lime Deciduous wood |
Linoleum Linoleum for desk surfaces |
Linoleum for pinboards
Mahogany marine plywood
Maple Deciduous wood |
Maple decorative lattice Diagonal |
Maple triple-layer panel Triple-layer panel |
Material made from recycled paper
MDF Medium density fiberboard |
MDF coloured black
MDF coloured black, fire-retardant
MDF coloured black, slotted on one side
MDF coloured black, varnished
MDF coloured blue
MDF coloured green
MDF coloured orange
MDF coloured red
MDF coloured yellow
MDF composite panel with stone-like finish
MDF fire-retardant
MDF melamin resin coated
MDF panel, slotted on one side
MDF veneered
MDF with aluminium foil facing
MDF with milled 3D surface
MDF with mineral finish resembling concrete
MDF/HDF coloured blue
MDF/HDF coloured red
MDF/HDF coloured yellow
Mineral material board, non-combustible, veneered or laminated
Natural-resin-bonded wood soft fibreboard
Non-vapour-retarding insulating fibreboard moisture regulating |
Oak Deciduous wood |
Oak triple-layer panel Triple-layer panel |
OSB film-coated Concrete formwork panel |
OSB light
OSB unsanded
OSB/3 panel sanded
Paper honeycomb core board
Parallel strand lumber
Pear Deciduous wood |
Perforated HDF panel
Pine Coniferous wood |
Pine edge-glued laminated panel
Plum tree Deciduous wood |
Plywood Plywood with thin layers |
Plywood with a core of plastic matting
Plywood with anti-slip covering
Plywood with cork central layer
Plywood, film-faced One side screen, one-side film-coated |
Plywood, fire retardant
Poplar Deciduous wood |
Poplar Multiplex panel, veneered Poplar multiplex panel, veneered |
Poplar plywood
Poplar veneer panel
PU-based coating system on birch plywood, yellowish Aliphatic PU-based coating system for wood surfaces (birch plywood) |
PU-based coating system on OSB, reddish Aliphatic PU-based coating system for wood surfaces |
Relief panel "Reed" both sides veneered, one side embossed |
Robinia, False acacia Deciduous wood |
Shuttering board Foil-coated plywood |
Shuttering board Spruce triple-layer board |
Spruce Coniferous wood |
Spruce edge-glued laminated panel
Spruce plywood with HDF deck, fire retardant
Spruce triple-layer panel
Sweet chestnut, European Chestnut Deciduous wood |
Swiss Pine triple-layer panel 3-Schicht-Platte Zirbe |
Triple-layer panel Combination of different wood species |
Triple-layer panel for concrete formwork Spruce triple-layer panel, synthetic-resin varnish, yellow |
Vapour permeable wall and roof board
Vapour permeable, medium density fibreboard
Veneer Panel Cherry
Veneer Panel Teak
Veneer Panel Walnut
Veneer with textured surface
Veneered gabon/okume Multiplex board
Walnut Deciduous wood |
Water-repellent, glued okume plywood
White pine, Weymouth pine Coniferous wood |
Wild service tree Deciduous wood |
Wood based material produced using extrusion technology Extrudierter Werkstoff auf Holzbasis |
Wood veneer panel with melamine resin coating
Wood-gypsum board wood-gypsum board |
WPC plank A wood-plastic composite plank |
Yew Coniferous wood |
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